Polypropylene Tank Manufacturers
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Polypropylene Tank

Polypropylene possesses the most valuable property which is its versatility. It can be tailored to many fabrication methods, such as, welding, machining, bonding and thermoforming for wide range of applications in chemical process pollution control, effluent handling equipment, food beverage industries etc. to name a few. Due to its typical features, such as, lowest specific weight, high tolerance to impact and abrasion, excellent chemical resistance at elevated temperarures, UV resistance, non-adherence, non-toxic and moderate cost, ANULON-92 is an ideal material. ANULON-92 GL (Glass Lined) Sheets retain the general characteristics of Polypropylene. When laminated with woven polypropylene and fibre glass on one side, it is used for lining of tanks and vessels and for reinforcement with FRP.

Product Specifications:
  • 500-1000 L
  • Be adaptable to a wide range of temperature. High physical & mechanical strength.
  • Chemicals/Oils
  • Leak Proof
  • PP / Polypropylene / PPH
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